Author's posts
Jun 08 2012
Get to know your rods and reels
There are three primary types of rods and reels that can be utilized for freshwater fishing. On your guide trip, I can provide any of these setups for you to use. The easiest setup to use is the spin cast rod and reel. Many people know this as a “Zebco”, however “Zebco” is a name …
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May 27 2012
Learn to tie the versatile palomar knot
The palomar knot is a very quick and useful knot that can be used for almost any line to hook or lure application. I found a good youtube video to illustrate the tying the knot. I will be happy to tie all your knots on our guide trip but if you happen to get hooked …
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May 26 2012
Lake Bastrop – 5/26/12
Had a good day of fishing on Bastrop. Took 4 customers out – 3 people fished and we boated over 50 fish drop shotting live perch and Nichols Lures creature baits. Most bass were found along ledges around the lake that dropped from 14 to 25 ft. One of the customers was an active duty …
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May 21 2012
New website for BassMan Austin
We are in the process of improving the BassMan Austin website. Over the next several weeks I will be adding fishing reports, fishing tutorials and videos. Please hang tight as I make this transition. I am on the lake several days a week so finding time to work in front of the computer is quite …
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