
Here you will find a list of the lakes I commonly fish and enjoy taking clients on. We are not limited to only these lakes when you book a guide trip. I have experience on many lakes across the state of Texas.  I hope you will find this information useful when deciding where you would like to go on your guide trip with BassMan Austin. 

Amistad Reservoir

Amistad Reservoir

Fishing Amistad Reservoir – Texas Parks and Wildlife






Lake AustinLake Austin

 Fishing Lake Austin – Texas Parks and Wildlife






Lake BastropLake Bastrop

 Fishing Lake Bastrop – Texas Parks and Wildlife






Belton LakeBelton Lake

  Fishing Lake Belton – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Lake BuchananLake Buchanan

 Fishing Lake Buchanan – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Choke CanyonChoke Canyon Reservoir

 Fishing Choke Canyon Reservoir – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Falcon LakeFalcon Reservoir

 Fishing Falcon Reservoir – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Fayette County LakeFayette County Reservoir

 Fishing Fayette County Reservoir – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Lake LBJLake LBJ

 Fishing Lake LBJ – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Stillhouse HollowStillhouse Hollow Reservoir

 Fishing Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






Lake TravisLake Travis

 Fishing Lake Travis – Texas Parks and Wildlife 






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